Go After Your Dreams x Abbey
Hi! I’m Abbey, AKA The Perfect Little Life! I’ve lived in Nashville 10 years and am so happy to be a part of this great community. I’ve been married for 14 1/2 years, and work a ton with my awesome hub. I also have a shop called The Perfect Little Store....
5 Travel Tips for Beginners
Hello fellow Blogger Xchange readers! I’m Komal of KomalMeansDelicate. I started my blog, almost a year ago in May 2018, as a creative outlet for myself. I wanted to share my love of travel, fashion and lifestyle topics to an audience in an aesthetic w...
3 Encouragements for New Bloggers
Hi friends! My name is Mandy Johnson, and I started my blog, Palms of Joy, in January 2018. I was intimidated, yet eager to start openly sharing and encouraging readers in their faith and in life. In my short time as a writer, I have learned more than I ever i...